
Friday, August 16, 2013

Environmental Night (Part 1)

Hey there ! Recently I'm busy doing something at my uni... that is, handcraft ! On 14th of September, my uni will having an event, called 'Environmental Night', means students have to use recycled materials to dress up themselves as creative as positive, because they're giving out prizes ! So me and my friends decided to take part, because we want that prizes ! First prizes competitor can get RM500 ! That's quite attractive LOL. So end up my friend help me to apply for that, if we really win, that prizes will be fairly divided to each of us. Isn't a good idea? YES, IT IS ! We started to designed our costume and also collect materials on this week, then we'll start doing our unique costume on next Saturday ! So excited and can't wait for it ! 

Besides that, this week we are busy doing some handcraft to decorate the venue. Venue will be at my uni hall 1. So its kinda big and empty now, then president of SET club think to decorate it by using recycled items, since this is an environmental night. So far I think I did a pretty good job because I think my paper flower and dragonfly is cute ! :D of courses thanks to my besties (stacey) for teaching me to do paper flower and dragonfly. 

Lastly, I really enjoy the great moment when doing handcraft with my honey and besties ! 

So here are some photos of "environmental night work in process part 1":

Second attempt of doing paper flower, 2 fail one success.
It should not be that HUGE.

Doing paper flower alone in Uni (while waiting for my sister to pick me up)

Please look at my paper flower and say they're cute !

Me painting on newspaper stone !

This photo shows more stone, LOL

Me with Bestie's boyfriend, also known as the president of SET club.

Ms Angele (Pink shirt) and Ms Karen (Grey shirt) are busy doing their cardboard birds :)

Besties !

Honey, Besties, bestie's bf and me !

Ms Karen's hard box giraffe.

Mr Gerard and Ms Angela's cardboard birds.

Awaiting recycled materials to decorate.
Tree brunches. 

My cute dragonfly.

Me posting with undone stone.

Dragonflies work in progress.

That's all !

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